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Approved as Type I under Naval Sea Systems Command 2023 Qualified Products List (QPL) to meet the new specification MIL-PRF-18458D. This replaces MIL-PRF-18458C

Dynagard™ Blue Premium is a biodegradable, minimally toxic, co-thickened complex grease formulated to provide superior film strength, withstand high operating temperatures, and maintain excellent high and low temperature stability. Dynagard™ Blue Premium features a high viscosity base oil for high load carrying capability, excellent anti-wear performance, and enhanced water washout and spray-off protection. Dynagard™ Blue Premium is designed for heavy-duty use in a variety of industrial, mobile, and marine applications.

Dynagard™ Blue Premium is compatible with all Kirkpatrick Wire Rope Lubrication Systems in addition to manual hand application. Dynagard™ proprietary blend of base fluids and additives ensures superior lubrication and corrosion protection of the wire rope as the strands move during load bearing operations. Uniquely self-healing, this attribute ensures outstanding penetration and continuous redistribute throughout the internal strand areas that may have been missed during the initial lubrication process or squeezed out from the strands during operation. Dynagard™ Blue Premium has outstanding structural and chemical stability. It won’t corrode steel and copper bearing alloys and is compatible with conventional seal materials.

Bio Aquatic Toxicity tests on sensitive marine organisms performed by independent test laboratories have shown Dynagard™ Blue Premium to have minimal impact on the environment and aquatic sea life, making it one of the safest wire rope lubricants in the world.

Features And Benefits

  • Outstanding adhesive properties
  • Excellent anti-wear properties
  • Enhanced water washout properties
  • High viscosity for high load carrying capabilities
  • Self-healing
  • Ideal for protection from salt spray
  • Prevents rust and corrosion


  • Follow recommendations provided in your equipment owner’s manual
  • Follow your organization’s manuals and/or best practices for preparation, cleaning, conversion, application and ongoing maintenance practices.
  • If you have further questions, please contact The Kirkpatrick Group at

Dynagard™ Blue Premium Properties

Property Test Method Typical Result
Product Code G-294
NLGI Grade 2
Cone Penetration, mm, Worked 60 ASTM D217 265-295
Appearance Visual Blue
Base Fluid Viscosity, ISO VG Grade 320
Water Spray-Off, % ASTM D4049 <20
Water Washout, % @ 79°C ASTM D1264 <5
Dropping Point, °C (°F) ASTM D2265 180 (356)
Oil Separation, % ASTM D6184 <2.0
Rust Test ASTM D1743 Pass
Salt Fog Corrosion Resistance ASTM B117 1,000 hr. / Pass
Salt Spray (10 Days) Fed. Std. 791, TM 4001 Pass
Four-Ball Wear, Scar Diameter, mm ASTM D2266 0.65 max.
Four-Ball Weld Load, kgf ASTM D2596 315
Base Oil Flash Point  °C (°F) 65 326 (619)
Base Oil Biodegradability OECD 301 Pass
Base Oil Aquatic Toxicity OECD 202 Non-Toxic
Base Oil Plant Toxicity OECD 208 Non-Toxic

The values quoted above are typical of normal production. They do not constitute a specification. The Kirkpatrick Group makes no representations, guarantees or warranties, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, or as to the correctness or sufficiency of data herein presented. All risk and liability regarding use, conditions of use and handling of this product are assumed by the buyer and any user. No agent, representative, or employee of this company is authorized to vary any of the terms of this notice. To continue to provide superior quality, The Kirkpatrick Group reserves the right to change the composition of its products without notice


Classified as Environmentally Acceptable (EAL) per the EPA’s guidance document that defines the standards for Environmentally Acceptable Lubricants (EPA-800-R-11-002) and meets the EPA’s 2013 U.S. Vessel General Permit (VGP).
Approved as Type I under Naval Sea Systems Command 2023 Qualified Products List (QPL) to meet the new specification MIL-PRF-18458D. This replaces MIL-PRF-18458C

Depend on The Kirkpatrick Group Inc.
for Wire Rope Maintenance